This post is long over due, but here it is at last. I was inspired by this DIY elephant lamp that Joy Kelley over at did. I totally fell in love with the lamp and knew that I had to make one for Asher’s room.
Originally I asked Raf if he would carve the elephant shape from the styrofoam and I would then do the rest. Well after he finished carving the shape he decided that he didn’t want me working with the plaster and spray paint while pregnant (although I think he was really just having too much fun being crafty).
We started with a thrift store lamp that we had to disassemble and then put back together again. However in the process one of the bolts got left out. We didn’t realize the bolt was missing until the lamp was complete and so sadly this lamp is quite wobbly and I don’t think it will survive the onslaught of time but nonetheless, I absolutely love it!
We just followed Joy’s directions although, Raf ended up needing to add more coats of wall plaster than she did. If you’re interested in making your own, check out her original post, here.
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